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Donate £3 or more via PayPal to mixKylie to become a Gold member with access to member-only features and keep the site running.
Donate £3 or more to become a Gold member

Gold membership gives you access to new features as they become available and:
- removes the adverts from each page
- gives you access to higher quality large cover images
- gives you access to the My Collection service which enables you to keep track of the releases and tracks in your Kylie collection and share details of your collection with other Kylie fans
Donate £3 or more via PayPal for Gold membership. PayPal accepts various payment methods, including debit and credit cards. If you think that you can help, please click the PayPal donate button on the right (please ensure you are logged in to mixKylie first).
Why donate to mixKylie?
As mixKylie gets more features and becomes more popular, it also costs more to host the site.
To help keep mixKylie running, I am asking for small donations. With the fully integrated discography and mix list and the various other pages linked to it, the site offers a complete guide to Kylie's releases in an easy-to-use format and is growing by the day. I hope you feel it is worth donating towards.