Ruffle My Feathers

(How could you) Ruffle my feathers?
(How could you) Hold my tongue?
(How could you) Ruffle my feathers?
(How could you) Make me start to run?

But you won't get the best of me
You can't have an ego trip

[Chorus 1]
No matter how far you pull me down
I won't give up I'm still around
No matter how you think you will win
I'm not giving up (or giving in)

(How could you) Try to define me?
(You know I'll) Come undone
(Think you'll get the) Shock of a lifetime
(Because I) Only just begun

You didn't get the best of me
You can't have an ego trip

[Repeat Chorus 1]

[Chorus 2]
Why don't you hang your head in shame?
I'll always know I'm not to blame
Thank you for showing me the way
Of everlasting, everlasting love

Can you feel it?
Everlasting love

[Repeat Chorus 1]
[Repeat Chorus 2]


  • Written by: Paul Harris / Kylie Minogue / Julian Peake / Richard 'Biff' Stannard
  • Produced by: Richard 'Biff' Stannard

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